If only we could wash away diabetes so easily, it would be wonderful. Everyone who has to deal with diabetes in their own body or they have to watch a love one deal with it, would be so grateful to have a brand new day free of diabetes! Click Here!
Bud, my husband, has said a million times that he wishes he could turn back the time before he had diabetes. He is always saying things like...
Why didn't I know the risk factors of diabetes? Click Here!
Why didn't the doctors warn me?
Why didn't I know being overweight was so bad?
Why didn't I know I had pre-diabetes?
Why didn't someone tell me the signs?
Why didn't I know the complications that follow the disease?
That is why I keep telling you to take notice. You know the signs. Do not let this happen to you! Click Here!
I found out today that diabetics are at risk for Diabetic Nerve Pain. This is horrible to have to endure! It is called peripheral Neuropathy In Your Feet and Hands. The symptoms are...
Tingling or burning in your toes, feet, legs, fingers, hands, or arms
A "pins and needles" feeling Pain or cramping
Numbness or loss of sensation
Insensitivity to heat and cold
Extreme sensitivity to even the lightest touch
Muscle weakness in your hands or feet Loss of coordination or balance that makes it harder to walk Click Here!
The longer you have diabetes, the more severe peripheral neuropathy is. Any of these symptoms are painful, but I have personal experience with the "tingling and burning" and the "pins and needles" in the feet and legs. Bud has been experiencing this for years! It has gotten worse with each passing year. Even the medications the doctors give to stop the pain, do not work.
No one should have to endure this pain! That is why I try to warn you of diabetes, its risks and its complications! Take heed. The things you learn may not always be good! This is a BAD disease and the complications are WORSE! Click Here!
Read the list of who is at risk, know the signs and the complications. Do not let it happen to you!
If only we could wash everything away with the new day. We would get a second chance!
You can have a second chance. Take it!
Wake up tomorrow with the knowledge that you can beat this disease. You can shake its hold on you. Do It! Click Here!
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