You know I have been reading how good veggies are for you. They do a lot to make you look better as well as feel better. They improve your immune system and help prevent build up in your arteries. That has to be good for everyone, even the diabetic! Click Here!
I was happy my husband was leaving dinner up to me and he was willing to eat whatever I fixed, or so I thought. So, like I said I fixed steamed veggies, a salad, and fresh strawberries for dessert.
I thought to myself how good it was that he was eating like this because fruits and veggies help lower blood pressure, cholesterol,your risk of heart disease and cancer. It would help me as well as him, and Lord knows, I need to lose some weight. Click Here!
When he came to the dinner table and sat down, I knew he did not like the meal. You see, he was raised on meat, potatoes, and bread. When he asked what was for dinner, I told him, "What you see is what you get." He was upset!
He said that he needed meat. He could not liveo on vegetables and salad and fruit without some meat. I explained to him how good it was for us to eat this way, but he did not care! So I got up and cooked him some steak to go with the veggies, salad and fruit. Then he was happy! Click Here!
It is good to plan your meals ahead of time and make sure you include meat for the meat eater. If you do not include meat, your meat eater will be unhappy and will never be satisfied. If he is like my husband, he does not fell as if he ahs eatenif he does not have meat. I decided right then and there that I would not fight him over this. He does not feel that he has eaten a meal when it consists of veggies and fruit only! Click Here!
I will try to prepare the healthiest meals I can and help my husband control both his weight and his blood sugar levels, but he will have his meat!
If asked what do you want to eat for dinner, my dear, just include some veggies and fruits to the menu as well. It is good for you.
Until the next meal, God bless!
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