Remember the goal. Your objective here is to live with your diabetes, be as healthy as you can, and to survive to a ripe old age. In other words your goal is to eat, drink and be merry and Live until you die! Click Here!
It will be quite a trick to live with diabetes your whole live and make it to a ripe old age and be healthy. Usually the body parts start failing or falling apart. What we need is a repair shop we could pull into and have a complete overhaul like we do to our car!
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After awhile the diabetes wears down the body parts: You have eye problems, or heart problems, or kidney trouble, etc. There is no part of the body that escapes the wear and tear of diabetes. The longer you live with the disease the more the erosion!
Therefore, you should control your blood sugar levels as much as you can. That is not easy to do. You can eat healthy foods, take your insulin shot and eat small meals, exercise and do whatever the doctor suggests and your blood sugar will sometimes be high. Click Here!
Diabetes is especially hard to control when your spouse is sick and tired of taking blood sugar levels, and insulin shots and dealing with eating what he should instead of what he wants! Quit nagging him about what he should do and what he should eat! Otherwise you will be at each other's throats all the time!
Remember he is an adult, even though he may not act like it! He knows the rules, even if he does not abide by them! and, he has been doing this for 23 years even if he expects you to tell the doctor what medicines you take, what dosage and how much! Click Here!
If you constantly nag at him, he may leave! Don't worry however, he'll be back when it is time to renew his prescriptions because he does not know how to renew them!
Just enjoy the time alone!
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