Have you ever been to the zoo? Of course you have. Sometimes I wonder who is really locked in, the animals or the humans. Each day is a brand new world at my house. If my husband, Bud, has his blood sugar under control, we are on an even keel, if not, it is another rollercoaster ride. Click Here!
So hang on!
Being a diabetic means you have a schedule you need to follow everyday if you intend to control blood sugar. It is an easy to follow schedule, you can do whether at home or away on vacation. You simply check your blood sugar before each meal, take your insulin, eat, do not forget snacks between meals and remember to follow a healthy diet. Nothing complicated, right?
But to my husband it is a major ordeal. He hates doing all that stuff. He wants to eat and drink whatever he wants. At his age, I let him. The problem is, it drives the blood sugar levels high and then low and then the ride begins! .Click Here!
Diabetes is a disease you can control, but it requires lifestyle changes! It is simple, but it is difficult to follow a healthy diet, take medications, and exercise religiously. You can take days off occasionally, but you have to follow the plan most of the time. In doing that you can control blood sugar levels. Click Here!
It is important to do that so you can prevent damage to the major organs in your body. Always remember, diabetes is a deadly disease and if left untreated, it can cause heat failure, heart disease, stroke, eye damage including blindness, kidney failure, and even amputation due to circulation problems. Click Here!
So be ever mindful and take care of yourself and your blood sugar levels. God bless!
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