Would you know if your husband had diabetes? Do you know the signs? There are thousands of Americans living with diabetes today and they don't even know it! If that many people are living with it unbeknownst to them, isn't it possible your husband is also living with it?
Some of the most common signs of the disease are constant thirst, frequent urination, and being extremely tired! As you probably know, if you have been reading my blogs, is there are two kinds of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Click Here!
Type 1 diabetes is the kind where the body does not product insulin at all. Type 2 is the most common and with type 2 the body does not produce enough insulin or the body does not use it correctly.
If you have not been tested for diabetes, you may have no idea you have the disease. Thus, your husband could be living with the disease without even knowing it. If your husband has any risk factors such as a family history of the disease, above the age of 60 or is in one of the ethnic groups who are prone to develop the disease, then please have him tested for diabetes. Click Here!
The sooner you know he has the disease, the sooner he can begin treatment for it. The treatment involves controlling blood sugar levels, eating healthy, low fat meals, and taking medication as prescribed. All of this is most important for him to stay on top of the disease and live a long life.
The main things that diabetes can cause are heart failure, kidney failure, blindness, and amputation. These are the worst case scenario and by controlling his blood sugar levels, he can prevent complications such as these. Click Here!
The worst things a diabetic can do are smoke, drink alcohol, not follow his diet, and not exercise. Your husband is in control of all of this. You cannot make him do any of these things. He is an adult and can make his own decisions. If you spend time nagging him for not adhering to the rules, it will no good. It will only cause a rift in your relationship!
So not gripe at him for eating things he should not eat! It will do no good. You can suggest he follows the doctor's or the dietician's orders, but nagging at him could cause him to blow up at you.
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Be supportive of your husband without being bossy, or demanding. Playing the mother will only make him mad at you and he may eat what he should not eat just to spite you! The days will be better if you leave him in control of his diet and his destiny!
Life will be happier that way!
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