Friday, May 29, 2009

Good or Bad I Learn Something New Everyday!

Everyday is a new day and I am grateful to see the sun of a new day! It's like getting a fresh start each morning. All your cares are washed away when the sun rises on a new day.

If only we could wash away diabetes so easily, it would be wonderful. Everyone who has to deal with diabetes in their own body or they have to watch a love one deal with it, would be so grateful to have a brand new day free of diabetes! Click Here!

Bud, my husband, has said a million times that he wishes he could turn back the time before he had diabetes. He is always saying things like...

Why didn't I know the risk factors of diabetes? Click Here!
Why didn't the doctors warn me?
Why didn't I know being overweight was so bad?
Why didn't I know I had pre-diabetes?
Why didn't someone tell me the signs?
Why didn't I know the complications that follow the disease?

That is why I keep telling you to take notice. You know the signs. Do not let this happen to you! Click Here!

I found out today that diabetics are at risk for Diabetic Nerve Pain. This is horrible to have to endure! It is called peripheral Neuropathy In Your Feet and Hands. The symptoms are...
Tingling or burning in your toes, feet, legs, fingers, hands, or arms
A "pins and needles" feeling Pain or cramping
Numbness or loss of sensation
Insensitivity to heat and cold
Extreme sensitivity to even the lightest touch
Muscle weakness in your hands or feet
Loss of coordination or balance that makes it harder to walk
Click Here!

The longer you have diabetes, the more severe peripheral neuropathy is. Any of these symptoms are painful, but I have personal experience with the "tingling and burning" and the "pins and needles" in the feet and legs. Bud has been experiencing this for years! It has gotten worse with each passing year. Even the medications the doctors give to stop the pain, do not work.

No one should have to endure this pain! That is why I try to warn you of diabetes, its risks and its complications! Take heed. The things you learn may not always be good! This is a BAD disease and the complications are WORSE! Click Here!

Read the list of who is at risk, know the signs and the complications. Do not let it happen to you!

If only we could wash everything away with the new day. We would get a second chance!

You can have a second chance. Take it!

Wake up tomorrow with the knowledge that you can beat this disease. You can shake its hold on you. Do It! Click Here!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

What Do You Want to Eat, My Dear?

Every time I ask my husband what he wanted for dinner, he would say it did not matter. He did not care or so he said. So for Saturday night I steamed vegetables only! Nothing else! Veggies only! Click Here!

You know I have been reading how good veggies are for you. They do a lot to make you look better as well as feel better. They improve your immune system and help prevent build up in your arteries. That has to be good for everyone, even the diabetic! Click Here!

I was happy my husband was leaving dinner up to me and he was willing to eat whatever I fixed, or so I thought. So, like I said I fixed steamed veggies, a salad, and fresh strawberries for dessert.

I thought to myself how good it was that he was eating like this because fruits and veggies help lower blood pressure, cholesterol,your risk of heart disease and cancer. It would help me as well as him, and Lord knows, I need to lose some weight. Click Here!

When he came to the dinner table and sat down, I knew he did not like the meal. You see, he was raised on meat, potatoes, and bread. When he asked what was for dinner, I told him, "What you see is what you get." He was upset!

He said that he needed meat. He could not liveo on vegetables and salad and fruit without some meat. I explained to him how good it was for us to eat this way, but he did not care! So I got up and cooked him some steak to go with the veggies, salad and fruit. Then he was happy! Click Here!

It is good to plan your meals ahead of time and make sure you include meat for the meat eater. If you do not include meat, your meat eater will be unhappy and will never be satisfied. If he is like my husband, he does not fell as if he ahs eatenif he does not have meat. I decided right then and there that I would not fight him over this. He does not feel that he has eaten a meal when it consists of veggies and fruit only! Click Here!

I will try to prepare the healthiest meals I can and help my husband control both his weight and his blood sugar levels, but he will have his meat!

If asked what do you want to eat for dinner, my dear, just include some veggies and fruits to the menu as well. It is good for you.

Until the next meal, God bless!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Keep Your eye on the Goal!

Remember the goal. Your objective here is to live with your diabetes, be as healthy as you can, and to survive to a ripe old age. In other words your goal is to eat, drink and be merry and Live until you die! Click Here!

It will be quite a trick to live with diabetes your whole live and make it to a ripe old age and be healthy. Usually the body parts start failing or falling apart. What we need is a repair shop we could pull into and have a complete overhaul like we do to our car!
Click Here!

After awhile the diabetes wears down the body parts: You have eye problems, or heart problems, or kidney trouble, etc. There is no part of the body that escapes the wear and tear of diabetes. The longer you live with the disease the more the erosion!

Therefore, you should control your blood sugar levels as much as you can. That is not easy to do. You can eat healthy foods, take your insulin shot and eat small meals, exercise and do whatever the doctor suggests and your blood sugar will sometimes be high. Click Here!

Diabetes is especially hard to control when your spouse is sick and tired of taking blood sugar levels, and insulin shots and dealing with eating what he should instead of what he wants! Quit nagging him about what he should do and what he should eat! Otherwise you will be at each other's throats all the time!

Remember he is an adult, even though he may not act like it! He knows the rules, even if he does not abide by them! and, he has been doing this for 23 years even if he expects you to tell the doctor what medicines you take, what dosage and how much! Click Here!

If you constantly nag at him, he may leave! Don't worry however, he'll be back when it is time to renew his prescriptions because he does not know how to renew them!

Just enjoy the time alone!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Life is a Zoo! What about Yours?

Have you ever been to the zoo? Of course you have. Sometimes I wonder who is really locked in, the animals or the humans. Each day is a brand new world at my house. If my husband, Bud, has his blood sugar under control, we are on an even keel, if not, it is another rollercoaster ride. Click Here!
So hang on!

Being a diabetic means you have a schedule you need to follow everyday if you intend to control blood sugar. It is an easy to follow schedule, you can do whether at home or away on vacation. You simply check your blood sugar before each meal, take your insulin, eat, do not forget snacks between meals and remember to follow a healthy diet. Nothing complicated, right?

But to my husband it is a major ordeal. He hates doing all that stuff. He wants to eat and drink whatever he wants. At his age, I let him. The problem is, it drives the blood sugar levels high and then low and then the ride begins! .Click Here!

Diabetes is a disease you can control, but it requires lifestyle changes! It is simple, but it is difficult to follow a healthy diet, take medications, and exercise religiously. You can take days off occasionally, but you have to follow the plan most of the time. In doing that you can control blood sugar levels. Click Here!

It is important to do that so you can prevent damage to the major organs in your body. Always remember, diabetes is a deadly disease and if left untreated, it can cause heat failure, heart disease, stroke, eye damage including blindness, kidney failure, and even amputation due to circulation problems. Click Here!

So be ever mindful and take care of yourself and your blood sugar levels. God bless!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Living With Diabetes

Some days are perfectly normal. You get up, have coffee, watch the news, and have breakfast. All is serene and happy. Then you realize he did not take his blood sugar levels prior to eating breakfast. He is suppose to do tha before each meal. He has been doing this everyday for 23 years. You would think he would know by now. Click Here!

The "He" I speak of is my husband, Bud. He blames everything he forgets on "I can't remember." "I don't remember." "I forgot," "How can I remember." Those are the words out of his mouth if you ask him any question! You can find some pertinent information if you look here. Click Here!

He has the doctor convinced he can't remember. She looks at me and wants to know what he had for lunch, when he took hiw blood sugar levels, how much insulin he took before each meal, and how much insulin he took right before bedtime. He convinced her that I keep up with all that!

I told the doctor I work and that I am away from home 3 or 4 days per week. I have no idea what he eats, when he eats, or if he even eats! She looks at me, clucks her tongue, and thinks what a poor wife I am. well, I have thought that also. What a poor wife I am! If I were not poor I could afford a nursemaid for him!

I also told the doctor I leave all kinds of prepared food for him to eat, but when asked why he did not eat what I left for him to eat, he merely says "I could not find it." That same sentence is repeated in answer to why he did not eat some fruit. "I could not find it," he replies. He now has 2 sentences "I could not find it" and "I forgot", which he uses conveniently in answer to whatever question you ask him.More information about diabetics can be found here.Click Here!

I have thought about shooting him. Thsi is why I chose this cartoon for this story. In all honesty, diabetes is like living with 2 or 3 different men. At times he is calm. Other times he is moody and cranky and irritable. Diabetes erupts with all those phases when his blood sugar levels are out of control! .Click Here!

Because blood sugar levels affect mood, as well as health, vitality, longevity, and general well being, it is in the interest of both husband and wife to keep the levels within the desired range, which is below 120, and preferably below 100. This is much easier said than done!

To keep blood sugar levels within that range, you must control diet, check blood sugar levels constantly, administer insulin as needed, drink ample amounts of water, and get plenty of rest. You must do this religiously, as if his life depended on it! Because it does!

This blog exists to help others through things I have already gone through with my husband as he has fought diabetes for the last 23 years. You have to laugh to survive and you must survive or die! More information available here. Click Here!

God bless you on your journey.