Email me your questions at only1lucy@yahoo.com
I will answer them!
Of course my husband does not want to change his diet! My husband had a heart attack a few years ago and that prevents his doing exercise. He wants to eat what he wants to eat and he is not going to change! I have made all the changes in his diet I can make behind the scenes. If you have to deal with someone who constantly bucks on changing what he eats, then you can do what I did.
My mom became a diabetic a few years later. She did exactly the opposite of what my husband does. She went without eating! She would go all day and eat one (1) soda cracker! I took her to nutritionists and she still ate a cracker a day and little else. She lost 50 pounds and is even thinner today. She developed clogged arteries, had a triple bypass, and lost a leg to diabetes. Her refusal to eat correctly contributed to complications of diabetes. Click Here!
To fight diabetes you must eat, eat small, healthy meals. The meals must be mostly vegetables and fruits. Carbohydrates must be limited and spread equally over the small meals throughout the course of the day.
Email me your questions at only1lucy@yahoo.com
I will answer!
Diabetes is a horrible disease that lasts a lifetime! Click Here!
If you have specific questions, please email me the question and I will find the answer for you, if there is an answer to be found!
Email me your questions.
My name is Lucy Peacock
My email address is only1lucy@yahoo.com
Here is to your good health. God bless.
Until next time…
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