Now every time I open a health magazine these days, I see the term diabetes mellitus. Have you heard that term? If not, you probably will be seeing it very soon. Diabetes mellitus has become known as (DM). It is the fancy name for diabetes.
Actually diabetes mellitus has become the universal language for high blood sugar. Millions of people have been diagnosed with this disease and this number increases daily. Because the number is so alarming, diabetes mellitus is getting a lot of attention from health experts worldwide. Click Here!
A rose by any other name is still a rose. Simply put, diabetes mellitus is diabetes. It still has three (3) types: (1) type 1 or juvenile diabetes is insulin dependent, (2) type 2 diabetes or adult onset diabetes is non-insulin dependent, and (3) gestational diabetes which occurs during pregnancy. Click Here!
My husband has type 2 diabetes and has been treating it for years with diet, exercise and medications. He has not been able to stabilize his blood sugar levels to the degree the doctor wants it and as a result he is now taking insulin daily. Click Here!
My husband loves sweets! He does not stick to his diet like he should. He buys sweets by the dozen and wants to eat all of them immediately. This results in mood swings and blood sugar levels that are out of control. The mood swings will drive you crazy. He gets agitated easily and is very difficult to get along with. Click Here!
These are a few of the signs of diabetes. There are more. If you have any doubt about whether or not someone you know has either type 1 or type 2 diabetes then watch for these signs:
* agitation
* frequent urination
* increased thirst
* weight loss
* blurred vision
* nausea
* fatigue
These signs can be symptoms of several things, but if you observe them in someone, it would be a good idea to get them to the doctor so they can be tested for diabetes mellitus or diabetes or whatever name you call it. The sooner it is diagnosed the sooner it can be treated and the patient can begin a plan to prevent the spread of the disease and its deadly complications! Click Here!
Gestational diabetes is more difficult to prove because the signs can be mistaken as pregnancy-related instead of diabetic related. Of course, one thing is for certain, the person must be pregnant to have gestational diabetes. In addition, if that person displays any of the above symptoms it is best for them to see the doctor and take an oral glucose tolerance test. The doctor can use this test to determine gestational diabetes and is usually conducted during the fifth month of pregnancy. Click Here!
Of course, I could tell by looking that my husband did not have gestational diabetes! Click Here!
Treatment for diabetes mellitus includes a healthy diet, regular exercise and medications, if necessary. Just be sure to work closely with your doctor to determine diet, exercise program and the need for medications. Any or all of these can control blood sugar levels and help stop the progression of the disease and its complications. Click Here!
Managing diabetes mellitus is extremely important in order to prevent complications of the disease which includes heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, kidney failure, eye disease, and death. Click Here!
Stop the progression of the disease! Living with diabetes is a challenge but is definitely better than the alternative! Just do it! Click Here!
Until next time…
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