I have always been told there is no warning when diabetes begins to ravage your body. However, I have lately learned there are warning signs but they are not specific to diabetes. Therefore, most people ignore the symptoms thinking it is not important. Click Here!
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But please pay attention to this. The earliest sign of diabetes is unexplained fatigue. When you are so tired you can hardly move or when you go to bed tired and wake up tired and you have no reason for this excessive fatigue, you need to let your physician check you for diabetes. What Do Diabetics Eat
High blood sugar levels indicate your body is either not producing enough insulin or not properly using the insulin it is producing. This means your cells are not correctly absorbing the glucose and producing the energy your body needs. Thus, you feel tired when you get up and when you go to bed. Click Here!
Usually, this extreme fatigue is explained away and never related to diabetes. You simply think it is because you are getting older or you are working too hard! Diabetes never enters your mind. Therefore, most people live with diabetes for years without even knowing it. These years of untreated diabetes takes its toll on your body and leaves you wide open to becoming a victim of the complications of diabetes. What Do Diabetics Eat
Here are the symptoms: extreme fatigue, frequent urination, thirsty, blurred vision, frequent infections that are slow to heal, tingling or numbness in hands or feet, and weight gain. If you have any or all of these symptoms, please visit your doctor and check it out. Click Here!
So you have extreme fatigue and you have been more thirsty than usual and you go to the doctor to check it out. The doctor runs some tests and determines you have diabetes. The nurse explains how to take your medications if medications are prescribed and shows you how to check your blood sugar levels. You will be checking your blood sugar levels before each meal and keeping a chart to show the readings.What Do Diabetics Eat
Diabetes is a complex disease. Everything you eat and drink affects your blood sugar levels. You will be tied to a blood glucose meter, needles, and a chart for the rest of your life! Don't forget the medications either! If the doctor prescribes medicine, you will be taking pills for the rest of your life also! Click Here!
My husband is also a diabetic. He has been for 20 years and he takes 4 insulin shots per day every day, day in and day out. He has had to keep blood level charts showing his blood sugar levels and he has had to keep charts showing everything he eats every day, day in and day out. Sometimes he rebels and does not check anything. He gets tired of all the dos and don'ts. He even eats what he wants and will not listen to reason. What Do Diabetics Eat
All these dos and don'ts can be forgotten. You can stop diabetes. It is up to you. What is the first thing the doctor tells you after he informs you that you have diabetes? He says you have to watch your diet and you have to exercise. These are the two (2) most important factors that affect your blood sugar levels. Click Here!
All you have to do to stop diabetes is to eat the right kind of food and exercise. No one wants to believe it, because it requires a lot of effort on their part to diet and exercise. They rather take a pill. The doctor rather have you take pills. The pharmaceutical companies rather you take pills. If you do not take pills, they do not make money. Earliest Sign of Diabetes
Let me tell you! There is not a pill that will reverse the effects of diabetes. You are what you eat. Stop eating processed foods, diet food, diet drinks, and any food that is processed or is made from chemicals, such as sweet n low. What Do Diabetics Eat
One more thing! Our bodies deteriorate from lack of exercise. We have become a lazy society! We want fast food and a fast way to get it. We are too lazy to walk there and to spend time preparing good healthy foods to eat.Click Here!
I believe you can reverse diabetes if you eat the right foods and exercise! Exercise lowers your blood sugar levels and is good for your heart. Get up! Start moving! Eat more fruits and vegetables! Stop diabetes! Do not give up a leg or a foot to this disease! Earliest Sign of Diabetes
It is all up to you. You can take the pills and keep the charts or you can eat right and exercise and stop this disease! Click Here!
I know you are probably thinking it cannot be this simple. But what if it is? Isn't it worth a try? What Do Diabetics Eat
Take care until next time.