Diabetes is a deadly disease and you do not want it! Click Here!
The complications of diabetes are stroke, heart disease, peripheral artery disease, eye disease, including blindness, kidney disease, amputation, and death. These are complications you do not want to suffer! Do whatever you can to keep from getting diabetes and all the risks that go with it! Click Here!
So let me get to the point. There are things you can do to slash your risk of developing predicaments, which can develop into full blown diabetes. This is one way women can lower their risk. Click Here!
For years researchers believed if you had a BMI (Body Mass Index) under 25 (meaning if you weigh less than 145 pounds and are 5 feet 4 inches tall, for example) you were safe from the ravages of obesity. However, Mayo Clinic recently completed a study that showed there are many women who are dangerously fat even though they are skinny. Click Here!
The study of 1,101 women with a BMI under 25 showed that more than half these women had more than 30% body fat, meaning they were of normal weight but obese. Since fat cells emit damaging hormones, these women were 4 times more likely to get prediabetes than women who had less body fat. Click Here!
You cannot look in the mirror and determine if you are skinny obese. Get your percentage of body fat checked. Probably the best place to get this done is at a spa or health club. You can also buy a scale which not only measures weight but also measures percent of body fat. If you are more than 30% body fat then you need to exercise. Check online for places you can get your BMI checked or where you can buy a scale that checks BMI! Click Here!
Dieting alone cannot lower you percent of body fat. When you diet you lose lean as well as fat tissue. Exercise is the key! Do strength training and cardio exercises to reduce your percent of body fat!
This is one way to lower your risk of developing prediabetes! I will cover another aid to lowering your risk for this disease on my next blog. Click Here!
In the meantime start exercising with emphasis on strength training and cardio exercises.
Happy exercising!